by Jacob Parker-Bowles | May 31, 2017 | Cyber Security, Jacob Parker-Bowles
If you have an email address, chances are you have received spam or have a spam folder full of useless emails. Regular email users can look at spam emails and be able to point them out quite obviously. Yet, many email marketers have crafted ways to get trick enough to...
by Jacob Parker-Bowles | May 8, 2017 | Cyber Security, Jacob Parker-Bowles
If you’re an American that’s still swiping your credit card when you go to make purchases because you don’t have the chip yet, you’re actually in the minority. According to a recent poll, 70 percent of U.S. credit card holders now carry EMV chip cards. If you have one...
by Jacob Parker-Bowles | Jan 26, 2017 | Cyber Security, Jacob Parker-Bowles
How safe are mobile payment apps like Venmo? How many times have you gone out for dinner and drinks with friends, and when it comes time to pay the bill, you either end up paying more than you should have when someone suggests you split the bill evenly or you opt not...
by Jacob Parker-Bowles | Dec 14, 2016 | Cyber Security, Jacob Parker-Bowles
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably already gotten a lot of your holiday shopping done, but inevitably you’ll find yourself scrambling to make those last-minute purchases for that Secret Santa gift exchange that popped up at work or the toy drive being held at...