The majority of computer owners know the need to protect their investment against malware and spyware. Unfortunately, more and more smartphone owners are beginning to discover that their mobile devices are also vulnerable to attack. Along with the potential to become infected with viruses, smartphones may acquire tracking software that monitors an owner’s actions or provides hackers with the ability to invade personal accounts.

Hacking Indications

There are a variety of signs that alert phone owners their device has been hacked. Thanks to the digital networks being used today, phone owners should not hear noise in the background during calls. Spying software may produce clicking or static in the background. You might hear faint voices. A tapped phone also uses battery energy faster than normal. Phones might produce noises or light up when not in use. When being monitored by a third party, the device takes longer to shut down. Other signs include a warm battery when you have not used the phone due to undesired data transmission. Some might receive strange or encoded text messages. Amateur malware also tends to consume more data.

Finding Spyware

Locating spyware on android phones requires opening the settings. Go to the “manage applications” or “running services” file. Programs are often camouflaged with titles that do not look suspicious. However, others may contain terms that include “monitor,” “spy,” or “stealth.” If you do find a questionable file, do not remove the item unless knowledgeable. Otherwise, you might damage the system. Enlist the assistance of someone familiar with the process.

Finding monitoring files on iPhones involves scanning for apps that you have not actively downloaded. If the app is not available from the Apple store, chances are it is an indication of hacking. Removing the problem involves upgrading the newest OS from iTunes, which removes the software that is not manufactured by Apple.

Use Reset

Converting the phone back to the original factory settings automatically removes spyware. However, first be sure to back up any personal contact, music or photo files you wish to keep. Take the time to enter a strong password for the sim card and general phone access. In this way, you make the phone harder to invade. Another option includes installing the AppNotifier, which sends you an email alert when suspicious activity is noted.